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Smother Neck Pain Quickly without Painkillers

Total Physical Therapy

What a pain in the neck it is to have a pain in the neck !! Whether your pain arises from trauma, a bad night's rest, or for no reason at all, find comfort knowing that most neck problems respond well to conservative options. A large majority of individuals will encounter neck pain at some point in their life. In fact, neck pain is the fourth leading cause of disability in the US. While there is no guaranteed option for intervention, there is some evidence to support muscle relaxants in acute neck pain associated with muscle spasm. The research is conflicting for the effectiveness of epidural corticosteroid injections for radiating neck pain. In patients with nerve pain associated with the neck, surgery appears to be more effective than nonsurgical therapy in the short term but not in the long term for most people. One consistent intervention across the research lies in the fact that


Exercise Appears to be Most Efficient


across the board when it comes to pain relieving interventions. So what's the take home message? Aging is inevitable, degenerative conditions are inevitable, disabling neck pain is NOT INEVITABLE!! There are numerous ways to promote a healthy spine. The first is LISTEN AND TAKE ACTION when your pain is recurring. Even if the pain is minimal! Take these actions to help curb neck pain:

Smothering Neck Pain the Quick and Healthy Way Without Painkillers


Avoid Sitting Still for Periods of More Than 20 Minutes

  • The human body was not designed to sit for long periods. Life, jobs, and hobbies have directed us to the point we think it is the norm but this is far from the truth. Your spine is under much greater stress in a sitting position than it is standing and moving. Limit sitting to 20 minute intervals, set a phone alarm for twenty minutes, and then simply get up out of your chair and move around for 60 seconds.

Make Sure Your Workstation is Advantageous for Your Neck

  • Most work stations are far from ideal for your neck position. Your monitor should be centered in front of you. Your eye level should split the screen 50% across the horizon. The monitor should be no more than an arm’s reach from you. If your chair has arm rests that you utilize the top of them should fall 1-2 inches higher than your elbow. The height of your chair should be adjusted to allow a 90-degree bend at your hips and knees with your feet flat on the floor.

Drink Plenty of Water

  • Don’t medicate, HYDRATE! A large amount of fatigue can simply come from dehydration. This general body fatigue wreaks havoc with your spine and the muscles that support it. Not to mention, that the discs that cushion the bones of your spine are composed of nearly ALL water! Dehydration can also result in chronic pain and dizziness. Stop expecting all that excessive coffee, tea, colas, and sport/energy drinks to supply you with the “get up and go” effect. Used in abundance these create the opposite effect and wear us down through dehydration. Water is the easy source here but don’t forget what makes plants thrive ---WATER!! They are loaded with it, so eating plenty of fruits and vegetables packs the water into our bodies.

Consider Using a Handsfree Headset

  • If you find yourself using your phone frequently or your occupation requires frequent use of the phone, then you should consider using a handsfree ear piece. This will help prevent you from tilting your head sideways thus reducing unnecessary muscle and joint stress to your neck.

Avoid Holding Your Breath While Lifting

  • Exhale as you exert while lifting. Holding your breath or taking in a breath while lifting increases pressure throughout your spine and can increase your risk of injury.

Avoid “Text Neck” Syndrome

  • Technology is beautiful. Chances are you are reading this report on a device which has your neck tilted downward…. STOP!! Bring that device up to eye level. Our obsession with our mobile phones, tablets, laptops, etc., tends to project our necks in a downward position for far too long. This stress creates fatigue in the support columns of the neck that often is not felt until HOURS later.

Practice “Reverse Posture” exercises

  • Humans are upright by design yet we try very hard to push our bodies back to all fours. We spend too many hours throughout the day in a slouched position with our head looking downward, shoulders rounded, and middle back rounded. Try performing simple exercises to reverse this position. Each hour perform these exercises 10 times each. Extend your middle and upper back backwards against the back of your chair, pinch your shoulder blades towards each other, and look upwards towards the sky.

Use Your Pillow the Correct Way

  • Our pillows should line up at the base of our neck and NOT under our shoulders. A pillow should help cushion the head, support the natural curvature of the neck, and keep your neck in line with the middle and lower spine.

Try Straightening Your Vehicle Chair Back

  • Allow the “head rest” of your vehicle to do just that…rest your head. Many people allow the back of their chair to recline backwards thereby eliminating the head rest from the equation. For extended periods of driving we should try resting our head against the rest. We should also try lightly pressing into the rest while keeping your eyes level with the road. By performing 10 of these exercises we help to relax the supportive muscles of the head and neck.

Avoid Watching TV or Reading While Lying in Bed

  • We spend most the day flexing our necks in a downward position. Try giving your neck a rest from this position by avoiding propping it in the same position with pillows. Use the bed to rest your neck and catch needed sleep.

Get Physical with a Physical Therapist

  • Our bodies are designed to function best when they move. When we hurt it’s hard for us to find that motivation to move ourselves. Physical Therapists are specially trained movement specialists. They are specialists in recognizing dysfunction and developing the best strategies to get you moving fast while promoting tolerance of the activity. Seek out privately owned therapy facilities that value hands on approaches and listen to YOU, such is the experience at Total Physical Therapy.


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Total Physical Therapy
3701 A1 Olsen Blvd 
Amarillo, TX
806 467-8181
806 467-8282 fax


Mon/Wed 8:00-6:00

Tu/Th 9:00-6:00

Fr 8:00-3:00

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