What is considered Normal Bladder Health?
The average bladder can hold 2 cups of urine before it has to be emptied.
The normal amount of times a person will urinate during the day (24 hour period) is 6-8 times. This will vary as we age due to the bladder becoming less accommodating to urine. This will result in the need to pass more frequently but this should not occur more than every 2 hours.
The bladder should empty easily without pain/discomfort with a good steady stream until empty. You should no have to "STRAIN" to empty your bladder.
The urge to urinate occurs with the bladder stretches when it is filling with urine. These urges can be felt prior to the bladder reaching capacity.
What are good Bladder Habits?
Do not strain to empty your bladder. Be sure to empty the bladder each time you urinate. Do not try to rush the process. Take your time.
Waiting more than 4 hours to urinate is a poor bladder habit.
Try to avoid going to the toilet when you feel the first urge to urinate. Some individuals urinate “just in case” before activities including; riding in a car, going to the grocery store, prior to starting exercise routine, ect. This may cause your bladder to become hypersensitive and you will only be able to store small amounts of urine.
Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Bladder
Try to maintain good fluid intake by drinking 6-8 cups (48-64 oz) of water each day. This amount will vary depending on your weight, activity level, environmental conditions or recommendations by your Physician.
Limit the amount of bladder irritants you consume. Bladder irritants can include caffeinated drinks (coffee, cola, tea), chocolate, citrus foods/juices. These foods/drinks can magnify the sensation to urinate by irritating the inner lining of the bladder.
Limit Alcohol intake. Alcohol can increase urine production. It can also decrease the ability of the brain to control the bladder.
Maintain good bowel habits. Increased frequency of constipation can result in increased straining while toileting. This straining can result in weakening of the pelvic floor. This can be avoided by maintaining a balanced diet including dietary fiber.
Avoid sitting too long on the toilet. This can put excessive strain on the pelvic floor muscle causing them to lose strength. Try to avoid reading magazines/news paper, catching up on social media on your smartphone while toileting. These can be a distraction causing you to spend too much time on the toilet.
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"10 Ways To Keep Your Bladder Healthy". EverydayHealth.com. N.p., 2016. Web. 1 Dec. 2016.
Irion, Jean M and Glenn Irion. Women's Health In Physical Therapy. 1st ed. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2010. Print.
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